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Cypress Homes


Danger Areas in Your Home

There are many danger areas one tends to try and stay away from, but there are other areas you simply can’t avoid.  In those cases you must use precaution.  Here are two common places that may present a danger if you’re not careful:

The Bathroom

Every year there are more than 235,000 people (15+ years old) visiting emergency rooms due to injuries suffered in the bathroom. The most common bathroom injuries involve slipping.  Another frequent danger is the consumption of medicine and prescription drugs by small children.  Cleaning products can also pose a risk. While bleach and ammonia  are very common ingredients in cleaners, if mixed together they can form a deadly gas.

The Bathroom Solution

Make sure that there are rugs in place to help prevent the floor from getting slick and supervise your young children when they are in the bathroom, whether they are taking a bath or going to the toilet.  Make sure medication is out of the reach of children and properly display the label to prescription drugs to prevent wrongful use. The same can be said for cleaners, keep out of reach and read the warning labels before mixing anything.




The Kitchen

When creating your dream home the kitchen is one of the most important rooms, but it is also one of the most dangerous. Countless sharp objects and an array of heating elements present a high risk of potential injury.

Here’s an interesting fact, dull kitchen knives can actually be more dangerous than sharp ones. This is due to the worn edge, which makes it easier for the knife to slip.

The kitchen presents the potential for things to catch fire if you are not careful.  Loose clothing or having flammable objects near an heating element is very dangerous.

Of course not all dangers can be seen.  One of the most dangerous kitchen risks is nearly invisible, bacteria. Contamination of food can cause serious illness.

The Kitchen Solution

When it comes to the sharp objects in your kitchen, make sure that they are placed in secured drawers, especially if you have children. This will also prevent them from accidentally falling on you. As for fire safety, make sure that you are wearing well fitting clothes when you are near an open flame, as loose fabric can easily catch fire.  Also place flammable objects away from any heating elements. By placing flammable objects away from the source you can be sure that a fire won’t be able to spread to other parts of your home.

When it comes to bacteria make sure that you are using proper food preparation procedures. When handling raw meat, clean every surface and utensil that comes in contact with it and do not cross contaminate food products.

Keep these dangers in mind when designing a new home to try and minimize your risk.

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