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Categories for Living Tips

Fall Home Prep Tips For Wisconsin

The Autumn season in Wisconsin is generally a good time to start preparing your home for the inevitable colder climate. This checklist will help you and your home prepare for the harsh Wisconsin winter.... Read More »

Building vs Buying an Existing Home

Is it better to build a new home or buy an existing home? This is a question many people are facing when looking for their next home. The answer depends on your situation and what you prioritize in a new home. We organized some of the major factors to consider... Read More »

3 Rules of Real Estate Dog Etiquette

Any time you are involved in real estate, from selling a home to buying a home, to attending an open house or an estate sale, you need to be respectful of everyone involved. While you may remember to wipe your feet on the front mat or take off your shoes... Read More »

Canadian Lumber Tariff…What Does it Mean for Home Building?

The Canadian Lumber Tariff will play an extensive role in the price inflation of building a new home. Recently, the United States, through the Trump Administration, has put a 3%-24% tariff on Canada’s soft lumber trade. What exactly does this mean for home builders in the United States? The short... Read More »

Tips in Choosing the Right Swimming Pool

As everyone knows summer is approaching fast and what better way to keep you cool than with a swimming pool. If your home already has a pool then jump right in and enjoy yourself, but if you don’t then here are a few tips in choosing the right swimming pool for your family and you.... Read More »

What Every Buyer Looks For

When it comes to house hunting, no two buyers are the same. Everyone has different tastes in colors, materials, and layouts. Everyone’s situation is different. Sure, adding granite countertops or hardwood floors might appeal to a large portion of buyers, but not everyone is going to like the granite or hardwood you choose. This can be very frustrating to sellers, but when it comes down to it, there are three things every buyer is looking for…... Read More »

5 Tips for the First-Time Home Buyer

We all know that buying a home is not an easy process. That’s why Cypress Homes is here to help! Getting some help when buying your first home is a great idea. These five tips will help you out when you are stuck and you don’t know what decisions you should make in the next step to buying your first house.... Read More »

Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Seem Bigger

Kitchens are considered to be the heart of the home. Are you stuck with a tiny kitchen with little storage and counter space that seems dark and dingy? These days, kitchen remodels can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but some of us don’t have that kind of money. Here are some affordable ways to make your kitchen seem larger.... Read More »

Small Details That Can Add Value to Your Home

More recently than ever, we all want to stretch a buck as far as we can. There are many ways you can add to your home with out dropping thousands or even hundreds of dollars. The little details of a home may be minor, but can actually add potential selling value to your home! Here are some tips we’ve come up with:... Read More »

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