Blueprints Blog

Cypress Homes & Realty

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5 Buildings in Disguise

Have you ever wished you could disappear? Or maybe just your home so those annoying neighbors would stop bugging you. Well thanks to these ingenious designs, now you can. Here are 5 buildings that virtually disappear into their surroundings.... Read More »

10 Tips for Home Safety

Did you know that the month of May is Building Safety Month? Each week, safety tips and information on each of these specific areas will be covered: Energy and Green Building, Disaster Safety and Mitigation, Fire Safety and Awareness, and Backyard Safety. Fire Safety and Awareness is the focus for this week of May 21-27. Here are 10 tips to remember for Fire Safety and Awareness:... Read More »

Cool Your Home Without Melting Your Wallet!

5 Easy ways to save money and keep your home cool this summer! Everyone wants to keep their home cool during the summer months, but always dread the expensive electric bills that fallow. Here are five ways to help keep your home and your family cool this summer while saving some cold hard cash.... Read More »

Space Saving Tips for Your Home

It never seems like there is enough space in your home for all of your things. Finding new ways to create space can not only keep you and your family organized, but it can also make your home feel and look much bigger! Here are just a few space saving ideas to keep your home and life clutter free.... Read More »

Build Homes that “Pinterest” You

Are you trying to find new and exciting ideas for your beautiful new home and don’t know where to look? Pinterest is a new and increasingly popular website that allows you too look at exciting and fun ways to better your life. This post will explain how to get get a Pinterest page, how to navigate through the site and how to use Pinterest to build your dream home!... Read More »

Tips to Moving into Your New Home

After a few long weeks you’ve finally picked out your dream home, but that was the easy part. Now you have to move in. Moving into a new home can be challenging, but with the help of Demenagement ADT it can be made easy. Stress and exhaustion are a natural byproduct of the upheaval created from relocation. However, a coordinated, inexpensive and organized transition is possible and actually pretty simple if you utilize the tips listed below.... Read More »


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