Customer Testimonials

Cypress Homes


Dan and Therese – Testimonial

80E6E709-10B0-4E33-A7BD-9B937E325221As the new owners of a home built by Cypress, we would like to recognize four people who went above and beyond. 

Cassie was with us every step of the way--from purchasing to closing. Her knowledge of the process and products was impressive, even when our questions didn't concern the sales side of our build. We were able to reach out to her with confidence that our concerns would be addressed. She always responded promptly. 

We had a great project manager during our build.  Ian was knowledgeable and kept us informed during every step of the construction, promptly responded to calls/texts and followed up with our concerns. 

Larry, who provided our warranty services, arrived on time and was always ready to answer questions about the repairs needed. His quality of repair was great. If he couldn't complete the repair himself, he knew who would be handling them. 

Jill, who now handles the warranty requests, has been on top of each and every request we have made.

Each of these Cypress employees exhibits the dedication to your company that cannot be said of other builders. They are responsive, friendly, knowledgeable and most importantly - service oriented.

We truly enjoy working with each of them.


Dan and Therese