Customer Testimonials

Cypress Homes

Testimonials Hero

Watch these videos on our customer's experiences building with Cypress Homes:

We recently completed our build with Cypress Homes and we could not be more pleased. We live out of state, so all our interactions were done remotely - mostly email and FaceTime. Even the closing was done remotely. We worked mostly with Taya, their designer. She

My wife and I recently built with Cypress Homes. We worked with Greg, Taya, and Chris. They were all professional, excellent to work with, and were very responsive throughout the entire process. As with any new home construction, there were a few minor issues after move

What a seamless process. From selling our house to getting into our dream home! Shannon Meyer is an incredible asset to Cypress and their clients. We couldn't have done it without her! And the rest of the team! Highly recommend Cypress Builders.

My wife and I were first time homebuyers and Cypress Homes was amazing. Greg helped make this process smooth and easy with nonstop communication and his care for our needs. He was great with answering any questions that we had concerning home buying and just made