Customer Testimonials

Cypress Homes


Customer Testimonial – Scott & Hailey

I reached out to Cypress early this year with only 9 months to work with because my wife and I were expecting our first child. Their communication and responsiveness was excellent. From my initial phone call, through 8-9 design revisions, and to a quote only took 5-6 weeks. They helped me lock in lumber pricing before it really spiked this spring. I had a number of very specific design details like a TV cubby, EV outlet in the garage, etc that they made a breeze. They also helped me get my future basement expansion plans put into the drawings so that the contractors wouldn't put pipes and obstructions in the way. The end result was that they met our timeline and exceeded our expectations. As someone who works in supply shain I can tell you that is no small feat in this era of labor and material shortages. It implies that they are working with very reputable contractors and that they are really on top of things.