Blueprints Blog

Top 5 Ways to Save in the Winter

Written by Greg Drusch | Oct 18, 2011 5:00:00 AM

It seems as though there was snow on the ground only yesterday…however, once again, winter is looming ever closer. The snow, ice, and chilly weather not only puts a damper on our spirits, but also on our utility bills.

There are many cheap ways to lower your winter heating bills; however here are 2 actual incidents that should never be tried:

  1. To thaw the frozen pipes in his home, a man backed his car up against an open window so the exhaust from his car could warm the basement. However, a short time later, the man, his wife, and children had to be rushed to the hospital because of carbon monoxide poisoning!
  2. A man from Ohio discovered his car had a frozen fuel line, he thought he could thaw it by running warm gasoline through the line. The man proceeded to heat 2 gallons of gasoline on his gas stove…resulting in second and third degree burns.

But fortunately, we have found some safe ways to warm your homes and your wallets during the upcoming frosty months! Here is a list of the top 5 easiest and cheapest ways to lower your utility bill for the winter season:

  1. Lower your thermostat to 68 degrees. For every degree you lower your heat in the 60-degree to 70-degree range, you’ll save up to 5 percent on heating costs.
  2. Reduce your water heater to 120 degrees, and it will save you 5 to 10{447216cae66a4d332ab0ac71eb11e27716218036a4f422ac40162b059a195e14} on water heating costs!
  3. Check for leaks around windows and doors. Use the sensitive backside of your hand to check if you feel a draft coming through. Just caulk the cracks or use weather stripping and you will save about 10-15{447216cae66a4d332ab0ac71eb11e27716218036a4f422ac40162b059a195e14}!
  4. Purchasing plastic to cover the inside of all the windows in your house will greatly increase the temperature inside!
  5. Check the furnace to make sure it is running properly. To keep it in top shape, replace the filter once a month.

Now is the time to start preparing your home! Cypress Homes wishes you good luck in the upcoming winter season, we hope your homes keep you warm and safe in the cold months ahead!

*UPDATE: Check Out Our Latest Post On Tips To Lower Heating Costs*