Blueprints Blog

The future is bright, the future is GREEN!

Written by Greg Drusch | Oct 17, 2011 5:00:00 AM

Here’s a few simple tips from us at Cypress Homes about how to increase your environmentally-friendly habits!

1.)  The Tissue Issue–  Specialty brands of toilet paper, such as Charmin and Cottonelle may seem great, but they are actually very   harmful to the environment.  Did you know that they are bleached with chlorine?!  Yikes!  So what’s the alternative? Brands made from 100{447216cae66a4d332ab0ac71eb11e27716218036a4f422ac40162b059a195e14} recycled fiber!  🙂

2.) Reduce your use!

a. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.

b.  Get rid of products that sleep on a “standby” setting.  These electronics still pull a current even though they say they are “off.”

c. Clothes dryers can suck up a whole lot of power.  An energy-efficient clothes line can be a great alternative, and leave your garments smelling fresh!

3.) If you build it, you WILL save!–  A home that is specifically designed with the environment in mind can return some enormous savings.  Houses can be positioned to use the maximum amount of natural daylight, cutting down on energy use.  Good thing all of our Cypress homes are built using the Wisconsin Focus on Energy Program, saving you money during Winter AND Summer months!

“Going Green” is no longer just a catchy phrase.  It is now a way of life.  Cutting costs and saving energy are just a few of the advantages.  A “greener” home also gives you a competitive advantage while your house is on the market!  So just remember… Reduce, re-use, RECYCLE!