Blueprints Blog

Make Life Easier: Create a Cleaning Schedule (Part 1)

Written by Greg Drusch | Sep 5, 2012 5:00:00 AM

Are you the type of person that allows dirty clothes, used dishes, and clutter to just pile up until it gets to the point when you’re forced to take a whole day or weekend to clean it all up? Or are you tired of having a friend drop by for an unexpected visit and you’re embarrassed to let them see the monstrosity of a mess swallowing up your house?

Though the idea of performing chores on a daily basis can be unappealing, having a cleaning schedule lightens your load immensely. You may think having daily chores will add more stress to your daily life, but it really won’t. You’ll make it into a routine and you’ll actually be thankful you did it.

First Things First

The first step you should take when creating a cleaning schedule is to organize the tasks into four categories: daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal. Honestly, this is probably the most daunting task of having a cleaning schedule. You are going to feel like you are making your everyday life harder and more stressful. Settle down…I promise you’ll be fine.

Keep in mind that you need to come up with something that works best for your situation. Someone who lives alone will not have the same daily tasks as someone who has a family of 8, and people with allergies will probably need to perform certain tasks more frequently than those who live allergy-free. See where I’m going with this? Tailor your schedule to your situation.

The following are tips on creating daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal cleaning schedules.

Daily House Cleaning Duties

Create a list of tasks that you can manage to do daily. These aren’t the types of duties that require you to whip out the mop and Mr. Clean. They are meant to keep the house tidy and clutter-free. Eventually, these will grow to be a part of your daily routine and develop into habits.

Examples of Daily Duties:

  • Make the bed and open the blinds
  • Tidy up – put things back in their proper place
  • Put all dirty laundry down the chute or in the hamper
  • Clean up kitchen after meals – load the dishwasher, wipe the counters and table, and sweep up large crumbs that are on the floor.

Weekly House Cleaning Duties

Next, create a list of cleaning duties that need to be tackled at least once a week. These are the ones that you will look at and probably dread because, normally, they are the things you undertake maybe once a month. These cleaning duties won’t be nearly as bad as you’re used to because you’re doing them much more often, giving the dirtiness less time to accumulate. Trust me, taking a half hour every week and knocking these out will make your life so much easier.

There are different ways of handling these duties. You could break it up by room or by the type of job, or by both. It really depends on you. Come up with something that is efficient and works best for you.

Here is an example of a weekly cleaning schedule:

  • – Day off: Relax and enjoy your clean house!
  • Monday –  Laundry: Wash, dry, fold, and put away
  • Tuesday – Kitchen: Wipe down & disinfect counters, clean the sink, clean out the fridge, clean large & small appliances (don’t forget the toaster!), sweep & mop floor, shake out rugs
  • Wednesday – Living Room: Dust off furniture, vacuum/sweep floors, vacuum couches and chairs (if you have pets)
  • Thursday – Bathrooms: Clean the sink & toilet, wipe down mirrors, scrub shower/tub, sweep & mop the floor, shake out rugs
  • Friday – Bedrooms: Change the bedding, dust off furniture, vacuum/sweep floors; Laundry: Wash, dry, fold, and put away
  • Saturday – Yard Work (Weather Permitting): Mow the lawn, trim bushes, garden, etc.; Catch-up Day: Complete duties you couldn’t get to during the week

Click to download a free Weekly Cleaning Schedule template!

**One thing to keep in mind for your weekly schedule is garbage day. For me, garbage day is Thursday mornings, so Wednesday night I make sure to collect all the garbage.

Following a cleaning schedule is a simple way to get rid of a little unnecessary stress in your life. Coming home to a house that sports the “just hit by a tornado” look isn’t relaxing. Your home should be a place where you walk in the door after a hard day’s work and unwind.

Now, you can at least get started. Next time, I will cover how to create a monthly and seasonal cleaning schedule.

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