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8 Ways to Organize Your Home Office Cypress Homes | Award-Winning Home Builder in Northeast Wisconsin

Written by Greg Drusch | Jul 7, 2016 5:00:00 AM

1. Group Like Materials Together

The first step when organizing a home office is to figure out exactly what you are dealing with. Whenever I organize, I always make a bigger mess in the beginning. This is because I am taking everything out and then grouping like items together.

2 . Throw Out What You Don’t Need

When you’re sorting through all your stuff, throw away the things that you don’t need anymore. Old receipts, mail, school supplies, etc. It’s a good idea to purchase a paper shredder. This will help ensure important information is destroyed.

3 . Designate a Spot for Everything – and Keep it There

When tackling the task of organizing a home office, you need to determine where everything is going to go. Figure out if you’ll need bookcases, filing cabinets, shelves, etc. Get creative! If you don’t want to show off old files, buy a chest and keep them tucked away in there (in an organized fashion, of course). Cut up cereal boxes and use them to organize inside desk drawers. Create a magnetic memo board out of a cookie sheet. There are hundreds of organization ideas on Pinterest.

4. Install a Shelving System 

This is a great idea, especially for those who don’t have a lot of space to work with. Always look up! Installing shelves is an easy and inexpensive way to keep your office organized.
It keeps things out of the way yet easily accessible.

5. Utilize Boxes, Bins, Baskets, Binders, Folders and Drawers

After you have your shelves installed, you’ll need to keep everything organized on them.

Take advantage of baskets, boxes, binders, etc. Make sure to label them so you know exactly what is in them.

6. File Don’t Pile

When it come to filing important papers and documents, you need to come up with a system that works best for you. One easy way is to group things into different big categories like finances, household, medical, taxes, & personal. From there, you can divide even more within each category. Designate a specific location for each file. For instance, you could have a box labeled “Finances” and within that box have folders for paid bills, unpaid bills, owed debts, etc.

7. Color Code Your Folders

When it comes to labeling, the eye recognizes visuals easier than words. Color coding you files and boxes is a simple solution to keeping things in their respected groups and makes it very easy to identify.

8. Have a Command Center


Having a command center is a great way to keep everyday schedules, to-dos, and
reminders organized. It should be placed in a spot where you can easily read it and is accessible.

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