Blueprints Blog

Fall Lawn Maintenance Cypress Homes | Award-Winning Home Builder in Northeast Wisconsin

Written by Greg Drusch | Oct 12, 2016 5:00:00 AM

The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping, fall is a critical time for preparing your lawn for the long winter that will soon arrive. The key to a healthy lawn next spring is being proactive this fall.  Below are 4 steps to take before winter to improve your lawn for spring:

1. Leaves

Letting those beautiful fall leaves sit on your grass all winter can halt your lawn’s growth and cause it to become thin in spring. Letting leaves sit all winter prevents critical sunlight from reaching your grass during the winter. Instead, mulch your leaves. This is a simple procedure, all you have to do is mow over the leaves until they are cut into dime size pieces. Afterwards, spread the the mulched leaves evenly over your entire lawn.

 2. Adjust Mowing Height

Even though you may not think about mowing your lawn in mid to late fall it is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the winter months. Ideally, keep your grass at its normal height (2.5-3.5 inches) until it stops growing. You should cut your grass slightly lower for its final cut. Keeping grass too long will cause the grass to matt under the pressure of the snow.

3. Repair Dead Spots (Reseed)

Fixing dead or warn down areas on your lawn before the harsh winter hits will give your lawn a head start in spring and allow your lawn to recover faster.  Start by removing all the weeds, leaves, thatch, and debris from the area you will be reseeding. Make sure you are choosing a seed that is most similar to the grass you already have. Next, prepare your soil by loosening it at least 1 inch in depth using a rake or aerator. This will allow water and nutrients to get to the roots. Finally, place a thin layer of straw over the seeds and water as needed.

4. Fertilizing

Fertilize your lawn before the first freeze using a winterizing fertilizer. These fertilizers promote strong deep roots, allowing your grass to stay healthy during the winter. Winter weeds will be germinating like crazy in anticipation for the coming spring, so put a halt to those weeds by applying the spring fertilizer as soon as you can.

Having a beautiful lawn can drastically improve your home’s external visual appeal. By taking these few easy steps, you can save yourself a lot of trouble come spring.