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5 New Years Resolutions for Your Home Cypress Homes | Award-Winning Home Builder in Northeast Wisconsin

Written by Greg Drusch | Nov 27, 2012 6:00:00 AM

With the New Year just around the corner, everyone is brainstorming up ways to lose weight and save money. Why not make a few promises for your home? Here are 5 New Years resolutions we came up with for your home.

1. Clean out the Clutter
It may seem like a daunting task, but cleaning out all of your closets and drawers is incredibly beneficial and can even be therapeutic. De-cluttering and organizing your home will instantly make you feel better about your home, not to mention it is dirt cheap to do! All you need is some boxes, garbage bags, and a permanent marker to label everything.

If the idea alone scares you because you have mountains of stuff, take it slow. The whole house doesn’t have to get done right away! Work on one room at a time. Dedicate one weekend every month to go through a room and purge.

2. Cut on Energy Costs
This doesn’t mean you have to go out and put solar panels on your roof. Cutting down on energy costs can be a simple process. Doing this like turning off the lights when you leave a room, using energy efficient light bulbs, and cranking down the heat to 60 degrees while you’re at work are easy ways to save money. You may not notice much of a difference right away, but over time, it all adds up!

3. Create a Cleaning Schedule
Keeping your home clean and organized throughout the year is not an easy task, especially when you have work and a family to worry about. A dirty house is an unnecessary added stressor in your life. Creating a cleaning schedule is a simple way to keep your house clear of clutter. Check out our previous posts on how to create a cleaning schedule: Part 1 and Part 2.

4. Redecorate a Room
Give your bedroom a new makeover or come up with a fun design for the family room. Pick any room in the house to redecorate this year. It will be a fun project for you that can be done fairly inexpensively. Buy a new slip cover and add a couple new throw pillows, paint the walls, change out the drapes, and throw in a couple of plants to bring new energy in and freshen the air.

5. Make Extra Mortgage Payments
One of the biggest things that weighs down the human mind is money and debt. Why not try to make your debt a little smaller this year by putting a little extra towards your mortgage? Maybe commit to throwing in an extra $50 every month. It doesn’t have to be much—just knowing you’re chipping in a little extra will make you feel good.

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