Blueprints Blog

3 Rules of Real Estate Dog Etiquette

Written by Greg Drusch | Jan 25, 2018 6:00:00 AM

Any time you are involved in real estate, from selling a home to buying a home, to attending an open house or an estate sale, you need to be respectful of everyone involved. While you may remember to wipe your feet on the front mat or take off your shoes when visiting or showing a property, you may overlook other aspects of real estate etiquette, especially those involving pets. Because it is fairly common to encounter people with a fear of dogs or an allergy to them, you should not leave your dog on your property or take him with you to visit another property unless you have special circumstances or require a service animal.


1. When Purchasing a Home, Do Not Bring Your Dog

Sure, you are excited about purchasing a new home and you want your entire family to visit the property and weigh in on the decision to buy. But, home buyers should not make their dog part of the equation because of the risks involved in taking him along.

First, your dog could have an accident because he is in an unfamiliar place around unfamiliar people. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize the closing because your dog left his mark on the property.

You also want to avoid taking your dog to visit a home that you are interested in purchasing because the home owners could have an allergy to dogs. Pet hair and dander are the culprits behind many people’s itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Even if you keep your pet well groomed, it is likely that he will shed in the owner’s home and cause a potential allergic reaction.

If you are purchasing a home, leave your dog at home when you visit the property and have a pet sitter, family member, or friend stop by to check on them. If you are interested in making the purchase, walk your dog in the neighborhood but do not take him onto the property until you are negotiating a deal, and even then, you should not take him until you have cleared it with the seller’s realtor.

Of course, if you need your dog to visit a property with you because he is a service dog, take the time to talk to your realtor or the person organizing the open house or the estate sale ahead of time to make special consideration for your circumstances. The realtor or organizer should understand that service animals are permitted to accompany people with disabilities anywhere that the public typically is allowed to go; as such, they will allow your service dog to be present.

2. When Attending an Estate Sale, Leave Your Dog at Home if possible

You may be tempted to take your dog with you to an estate sale because you don’t want him to be home alone for hours on end. Unfortunately, taking your dog to estate sales is not recommended in real estate dog etiquette, either. If you must bring your dog, make sure you can carry the dog throughout the sale and discuss this in advance with the organizer.

Even if you have a well-mannered dog, he could bark or ignore your commands when he is in a new situation surrounded by so many strangers. He also could experience unwarranted stress or anxiety at a large event like an estate sale. That’s why it is a better idea to leave him at home or send him to doggy daycare. Again, if you have a service dog, feel free to talk to the seller’s realtor or the estate sale organizer to alert them to your situation.

3. When You Sell a Home, Do Not Leave Your Dog on the Property

If you are selling a home, don’t scare off potential buyers by leaving your dog on the property. Pets make some people uncomfortable or afraid, and you need to ensure potential buyers are as comfortable as possible in your home or property.

You also want to make your home as attractive to as many buyers as you can, so you also should clean up your pet’s toys, beds, and dishes when you leave your home for a showing or open house. Remember, you may no longer smell your dog in your home, but new people do, so be sure to eliminate pet odors before vacating the property.

Pet parents love their dogs and want to take them everywhere they go. But, rules of real estate dog etiquette make it clear that it is better for all parties involved to leave the dogs with a pet sitter, friend, or family member while buying or selling property. The only exception should be if you have a service dog.

Image via Pixabay by wernerdetjen

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